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De Kelders

De Kelders has one of the most incredible whale watching spot during whale season, and has views of Walker Bay that are arguably unsurpassed in any season. Elevated on cliffs, this non-descript village allows you to look down on Southern Right Whales and their calves that shelter in the rocky bays from June to November.

Throughout the year you can take in the panoramic views and magnificent sunsets over Walker Bay. Look out to Hermanus across the bay and all the way to Cape Point on a clear day.

Explore the many caves that are burrowed into the rocky cliffs, including Klipgat cave where excavations have revealed remains and artefacts of Middle Stone Age people from up to 85 000 years ago.

If you’re brave enough, look into the Duiwelsgat (Devil’s Hole), a dark hole with waves crashing way below. The name originates from Duiwegat (Doves Hole) from when many doves used to nest in it – but we prefer the ring of Duiwelsgat.

De Kelders also borders the Walker Bay Nature Reserve with many lovely walks and also a long stretch of empty sandy beach.