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Hells Gate National Park

At 68 km2, Kenya’s Hell’s Gate is one of the smaller national parks. The park lies south of Lake Naivasha, and is renowned for its wildlife and scenery and it’s also one of the few national parks where one can go walking, cycling, or rock climbing unaccompanied.

From its towering cliffs to the powerful geysers after which it is named, Hells Gate is as dramatic as it is beautiful. Fischer’s Tower, located close to the park’s main entrance (Elsa Gate), is a stone monument telling the story of a Masaai girl fated to a life of stone (a fate very much like the one that befell Lot’s wife in Christian mythology).

The park offers decent game viewing, with giraffe, gazelle, buffalo and the occasional roaming lion. The bird life is a little more exciting, with the likes of griffon vultures, kori bustards, secretary birds and the African Black Eagle wandering the skies.

There are three campsites in the park, with Naiburta widely considered the best, as it’s an excellent lookout post for watching game.