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Lake Bogoria National Park

North of Nakuru, is the Lake Bogoria National Park. Despite its beauty, it’s not a destination frequented by many visitors. The soda lake, which covers an area of 30 sq km, is shallow, with a maximum depth of 9 metres. Like other Kenyan soda lakes, it has no outlet and the intense evaporation has led to high levels of salt and minerals. Lake Bogoria has no fish but is rich in blue-green algae; as a result it attracts massive amounts of flamingos.

The Loburu hot springs erupt along the lakeside and are as captivating as they are dangerous. Because of the extreme temperatures of these boiling springs you need to be careful when near them.

Lake Bogoria National reserve is situated just off the B4 from Nakuru. There are three gates to the reserve, and the best is to turn right off the B4 just before Marigat and proceed to main entrance (Loboi gate).